Saturday 25 November 2017

Short Story: Encounter

“Please lower the window glass. Keep it half open.”
“Okay, madam.” The driver unlocks the auto directed switch and adjusts the glass of the window; and continues driving.
I put my left hand on the window glass and rest my face over my hand. The cold breeze kisses my face, leaving a sensation down the spine. I love the road journey especially those where one drives through greenery. I don’t know all the names of the trees that stand on both sides of the road except Gulmohar and neem trees. Believe me, if you look as far your eyes can; you will never want to blink for a second. The sunrays play hide and seek with my face while the cold breeze play with my hair and I try helplessly to tuck my hair behind my ear. But the whole day’s exhaustion was taking a toll on me. And I fail to keep my eyes open.
Suddenly, my car gave a jerk. My hand slipped and my face collided with the window glass. I got hurt on the left side of my cheek.
“Drive safely.”
“Sorry, madam. It wasn’t my fault. These bike riders neither think of their safety nor of others...” the driver explained.
I choose not to take the conversation further and I peep outside the glass. A couple on a bike is going on par with my cab. The girl holds the boy tightly while her head rests on the boy’s back. Something stabbed me. I remain calm and rested my head on the back seat of the cab. I, now, want badly to reach my destination as fast as I can.
“How much time will it take to reach the airport?” I enquired.
“Madam, we are about to cross Deepor Beel. It will take another 30 minutes at the most,” the driver informed.
I tried to hold back my breath. Something choked deep inside me. I, somehow, manage to say, “Please close the window.”
“Madam, look at the setting sun. You can only see it sometimes. Madam, you are lucky!” the driver exclaimed, pointing towards the setting sun.
“Will you please close the window?” I said harshly.
The driver did as directed.
I close my eyes. One thing, I realize that moment, memories never part with you even though the person who create those sometimes may leave. I try to shut all the doors that flung open in the front door of my eyes. And tears slowly make its way down my cheeks.
I reach airport well before time at 6:00 pm and my flight for Delhi is scheduled for 7:30pm. After the usual check in at the airline desk, security checkpoint, collecting boarding pass, I occupy one of the vacant seats.
6:30 pm
Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport,
 13th July, 2017.
Dear Dairy,
Today, I again see the reflection of my past. It brings back the waves of emotions. And the emotions are creating whirlpools deep inside. The chaos within me made me more restless.  And I feel lonely even in this crowded place. So, I choose to share with you before I board my flight.
The couple on the bike and Deepor Beel together coincidentally brought back the memories of him. I miss him, but I don’t admit. I had many a times promised myself that I will never think of him. But I do. And every time, I miss him; I share with you.
The Sun even chooses to mock at my past. I remember those days when he used to ride me all these distances to see the sunset and how every time we missed it for a minute or two? And he used to promise me to take me to some other spots. I could never see sunset with him. And now when the sun of my life has set, the sun just sets in front of my eyes. But I no longer feel it appealing.
Yours in sackcloth,
People have already made a queue. I walk towards the queue and stand behind the crowd. As I make my way to board the flight, I wish when I return everything fall in place.
Comment below your thoughts if ever you come across such situation, what will be your reaction.

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