"I really think you must be in a one sided love," a male friend texted.
I ignored his question and asked how his life was in a new city.
"Gym, job and cooking. Boring and usual," he replied.
"Yes. I too think job life is boring. Same place, same work and same people. No excitement and sometimes I think I am leading to nowhere..." I replied.
"... And you know, sometimes, I feel it's better to be a contract killer. So much of excitement... Isn't so?" he asked.
"Exactly, that sounds interesting. But again, these are risky... " I said.
"Risk is where when I overtake a truck and I turn without knowing what's on the other side... " he replied instantly.
"Well said... " I replied.
"What is the reason behind your obsession about broken heart, one sided love?" he brought back the topic again.
"It is the area where I am comfortable. Thoughts come automatically and I write them..." I replied after a few minutes.
"Have you ever had a broken heart?" he asked.
"Yes, I had... And the pain is the inspiration to write," I replied.
"I have learnt how to control my emotions. I don't even feel bad about my past... " he texted.
"I too don't but my pen love to. And the best part is he had injected in me the emotions that I pour out as poems... " I replied.
"And... The best thing she gave me is the ability to control my emotions. I can burn myself with emotional desire, yet have an ice cold soul..." he replied.
"Wow... " I texted instantly.
"I am the king of one liners. My head is messed up, things come and go. But I think it's high time for you to fall in love again... " he texted back.
"Love is not love
which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to
O no, it is an ever - fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is
never shaken;
It is the star to every wand'ring
whose worth's unknown,
although his height be taken." I dropped my favorite lines by William Shakespeare.