Saturday, 14 April 2012

What is love?

Love is an intimacy shared by two people. It is believed as heart-to-heart relation or a relation which needs no word to explain. Two people in love can challenge every hurdle that comes their way. LOVE is a true bond... Oh!what a bullshit? It is just a tag in present world. Whatever I have mentioned above is just a crap. Those lines suit good in movies or books. They are useless in practical life. Having a boyfriend/girlfriend means you are filling an empty space. By empty space, I mean, someone whose hand you can hold on when you are in a friend circle and showing superiority to those who manage to get none. As time passes, you realize that your life has become horrible, you can't find time for your(once upon a time)best buddies, you cannot enjoy your life as you used to and etc.etc...These thoughts make your life more miserable. Moreover, when you call your gf/bf and finds her/his number busy, you start suspecting; ask for clarification and you end up quarreling with her/him. This process continues for a while. You start consulting love gurus or your friends for suggestion. When nothing works you meet your gf/bf and called it off by saying :'Just need a break.'

Poem: It's Winter

It's winter I feel now, As I lay down still Inside the blanket, My fingers shiver with cold, My eyes are swollen- Waiting for the...